Oral Habit Elimination

& Mini Myo Wellness


Oral Habit Elimination

Thumb and finger sucking often starts early on lasting the first few years of life, and then some children will stop on their own. It is usually started to provide comfort or to soothe themselves. But oral habits such as pacifier use, sippy cups, thumb/finger sucking, nail biting or lip biting and lip licking extending for long periods of time can have a negative impact on jaw shape, teeth position, tongue placement, breathing and speech development.

This program is designed to help your child quit negative oral habits in a positive and interactive manner without the use of punitive and invasive appliances. It helps children build confidence and self esteem as they watch themselves give up addicting habits, typically within four weeks. We offer guidance and support to both the child and parents with an interactive program. Eliminating these habits is part of myofunctional therapy and the first step to restore functional growth and development.

⇢ Children as young as 4 years of age and up can work through the Oral Habit Elimination Program!

Mini Myo Wellness


Our Mini Myo Wellness is an early intervention program designed for children around the of age of 4-6, who are too young for intensive myofunctional therapy. Most parents can tell that something is not right by recognizing a mouth breathing, and/or an open mouth posture. Sleep may also be an issue, but if overlooked can ripple into a number of health concerns. An open mouth is definitely a sign of potential airway problems. If your child has had their tonsils/adenoids removed, is a loud/messy eater, has disturbed sleep, snores and/or grinds their teeth, then they could benefit from having early intervention myofunctional therapy.

The Mini Myo Wellness exercises have been specially designed for young children. We make them fun and interactive so that parents and children can do them together. Children this age don’t have the same oral and motor skills as older kids, and their shorter attention spans need to be taken into account. Mini Myo Wellness allows parents to help their children by introducing good oral habits at a young age.

Contact me today to get started!

I strongly encourage all of my Mini’s to use a MyoMunchee as part of their therapy program. These small chewing devices can help make a big impact! Learn more about the munchee here